Topic: UU-ism

The Curious Courtship of the Nerd and the Wallflower

A somewhat light-hearted version of how we came to be the Unitarian Universalists, the only faith tradition named for two wonderfully believable Christian heresies. A time to celebrate what we were, are, and are becoming as an inclusive and welcoming community.

Sustainability 101: Ecology is Theology

This Sunday, we are between Black Friday, Buy Nothing Day, Buy Local Saturday, and Cyber Monday. As the holidays are upon us, it’s a good time to pause and consider Sustainability. In a video sermon, Rev. Michael Dowd will reflect on three topics: (1) Reality, … read more.

Homecoming: Water Ceremony

Join us for our homecoming service where we will join each other for the beginning of a new Fellowship year. Everyone is invited to bring some water with special meaning to share — in person and on Zoom. The combined water is symbolic of our … read more.

Can You Say God?

Rev. Jane will revisit Unitarian Universalism’s attempt to reclaim some religious language in light of her recent month long sabbatical in London.

Flower Celebration & Green Sanctuary Anniversaries

Join us for the centennial of the Flower Celebration, a unique Unitarian Universalist service with some special elements created by the UUA. Rev. Norbert Čapek created this ceremony in 1923 in Prague as a way to bring the beauty of the natural world into the … read more.

A Preview of SUUSI

Join us as our members provide a preview of the Southeast Unitarian Universalist Summer Institute (SUUSI) which will be held at Western Carolina University from July 16-22. The gathering of hundreds of UU’s is filled with music, merriment, worship, nature, and more.