Topic: UU-ism

Care-A-Lot Stewardship Play

Join us as we reprise our 2010 Care-A-Lot play for the 2025 pledge drive. A look back, a look forward — and some surprises including a very special guest.

oUUr Presence Matters

Post-hurricane and post- election, UU communities have been supportive and healing spaces. As we witness the rise of autocracy and disrespect for the worth and dignity of people in marginalized communities we are invited to consider what living out our values will look like and who … read more.

My UU Christmas – a few selected readings and shared thoughts

A few of my favorite Christmas readings including Garrison Kellers retelling of the Christmas story and a few thoughts on why this ‘non-Christian’ has always loved and celebrated the season. We’ll also have a special prelude performance by Lara Jackson celebrating Yule.

The Gifts of the Jews

The Jewish community ended its High Holy Days yesterday.  As a faith tradition that has more than a few Jewish members, and whose practices and values have been greatly influenced by our Jewish and Christian forebears, this is a good time for us to remember … read more.

Waters of the Smoky Mountains

Join us for our annual Water Communion. This uniquely Unitarian Universalist service is our homecoming for the beginning of a new Fellowship year. We’ll celebrate our region with the Cherokee creation stories that include the Water Beetle and the Water Spider. Please bring … read more.

 You, Me, UU and the World Today

Join our in-coming President as we look forward to a new Fellowship year. Bonnie Gramlich will pose some questions and wondering how we thrive or even cope in these trying times with a change  and challenges on many fronts in our lives, our own Fellowship, our communities, and in … read more.

Flower Celebration

Join us for our annual Flower Celebration. Rev. Tim Kutzmark from the UU Church of Fresno, California will share the history of this unique Unitarian Universalist service. Rev. Norbert Čapek created this ceremony in 1923 in Prague as a way to bring the beauty … read more.

Annual Meeting

We celebrate our 5th Principle “The Right of Conscience and the Use of the Democratic Process Within Our Congregations and in Society at Large” as we meet to make decisions for our congregation.

Transformation & Repair

One of the proposed Article II values is  “Transformation”. We adapt to the changing world.
We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically.  Openness to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages, never complete and never perfect.”

This value informs our commitment and work for … read more.