Topic: Multicultural

When Religions Clean House

Every once in a while someone decides they need to fix a religion. Most UUs know about Thomas Jefferson’s shocking take on how to fix colonial Christianity in the late 1700s,  But did you know a former King of Thailand made changes that shook up … read more.

Las Posadas

Join us as we learn about Las Posadas, a religious festival celebrated in Mexico and some parts of the United States. The word “posada” means inn or lodging, and traditionally posadas are a celebration of the Christmas story. They take place on nine nights from … read more.

Who Are the Aliens Among Us? 

They are not little green persons. They are individuals from all over the world who come to our country seeking peace, freedom of speech and economic opportunity. Aliens, you say? Until recently their residency documents described them as “registered aliens.” Lacking documents, they are called … read more.