Topic: Community

Why Do We Choose Church? 

Why do we choose church?  We all choose to be here for different reasons, and for multiple reasons.  Church can provide community. Church can offer guidance in our theological explorations.  Church can empower our individual voices in the call for social justice. Through the songs of Danny Schmidt, … read more.

That’s the Spirit

A relatively new Asheville resident, Michael Lille, will speak about people coming together in difficult times, his history with kayaker, Maria Noakes, a woman who died doing what she loved best, and how the community of Western Carolina has come together to heal from the damage … read more.

This Sacred Thread: Remembrance Service

In the spirit of Norman Cousin’s quote: “Memory is where the proof of life is stored” we’ll gather for our annual remembrance service. Please bring along a picture, cherished memento, or other important memories of someone or something near and dear to you.

Fellowship Family Potluck Gathering

As we recover from Hurricane Helene, we will gather together for our first Sunday potluck. We’ll also do our best to connect with our Zoomies at a table in Celebration Hall. Rev. Kate, who was scheduled to speak, lives north of Asheville. She … read more.

Waters of the Smoky Mountains

Join us for our annual Water Communion. This uniquely Unitarian Universalist service is our homecoming for the beginning of a new Fellowship year. We’ll celebrate our region with the Cherokee creation stories that include the Water Beetle and the Water Spider. Please bring … read more.

Navigating Transformation: The Power of Community Support

Welcome to our Unitarian service on transformation, where we explore the profound changes that shape our lives and our world. Together, we’ll dive into stories of personal growth, collective evolution, and the power of change to inspire and uplift. Whether you’re seeking renewal, insight, or … read more.

Freeing Ourselves from the Burden of Judgments

Bill Groves will be looking into the nature of judgmentalism, why we judge, and what effects judging others has on the one who judges.  He will also be looking deeply into ways we can reduce judgmentalism in our lives.  It is a real community killer!

Christmas Eve: Joy to the World

This Sunday, the Fellowship will enjoy a celebration of the Christmas & Yule Season. Come join us to sing some songs and listen to some favorite stories for observance of the season.