Speaker: UUFF Community

As a lay-led congregation since 1972, some of our services are created and presented by our members and friends.

Quilt Codes of the Underground Railroad

Join us as we celebrate Black History Month with a service exploring the role of quilt codes. According to legend, a safe house along the Underground Railroad was often indicated by a quilt hanging from a clothesline or windowsill. These quilts were embedded with a kind of … read more.

This Sacred Thread: Remembrance Service

In the spirit of Norman Cousin’s quote: “Memory is where the proof of life is stored” we’ll gather for our annual remembrance service. Please bring along a picture, cherished memento, or other important memories of someone or something near and dear to you.

Fellowship Family Potluck Gathering

As we recover from Hurricane Helene, we will gather together for our first Sunday potluck. We’ll also do our best to connect with our Zoomies at a table in Celebration Hall. Rev. Kate, who was scheduled to speak, lives north of Asheville. She … read more.

Waters of the Smoky Mountains

Join us for our annual Water Communion. This uniquely Unitarian Universalist service is our homecoming for the beginning of a new Fellowship year. We’ll celebrate our region with the Cherokee creation stories that include the Water Beetle and the Water Spider. Please bring … read more.

Flower Celebration

Join us for our annual Flower Celebration. Rev. Tim Kutzmark from the UU Church of Fresno, California will share the history of this unique Unitarian Universalist service. Rev. Norbert Čapek created this ceremony in 1923 in Prague as a way to bring the beauty … read more.

Juneteenth & Our 1st UU Principle


Don West, Jr. delivered a Juneteenth and Father’s Day homily in 2022 as a guest speaker at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Laguna Beach, California (“UUFLB”) where he is also a member. The talk is organized around the jubilee of freedom that is Juneteenth and … read more.

Annual Meeting

We celebrate our 5th Principle “The Right of Conscience and the Use of the Democratic Process Within Our Congregations and in Society at Large” as we meet to make decisions for our congregation.

Poetry Month Celebration

April is National Poetry Month. Join our Fellowship Community as we celebrate national by sharing some of our favorite poems, including Unitarian Universalist poets.