Speaker: Rev. Tom Tyre

Rev. Tom Tyre is an interfaith minister who leads the non-sectarian Buddhist Fellowship of Franklin in Franklin, NC. He’s also director of Ubuntu, an a cappela world music choir which has been singing in Franklin since 2009.  Tom has been a student of Buddhism for more than forty years and took his vows with Geshe Thupten Phelgye, former member of the Tibetan Parliament in exile and visiting professor at Eastern Washington University.

Sweet Mystery of Life

Every day people spend sixteen or so hours working, playing, eating, reading, operating computers of all types, and doing what needs to be done.  People sleep – usually at night —  for approximately eight hours, although some sleep much less and a few sleep more. The transition … read more.

Growing a Whole Life Practice

Religion need not be just something that one believes but something that one does. And, that something grows and changes as we grow in our lives.  Think of this as an good adjunct to the “Building Your Own Theology” study course created by the UUA.