Speaker: Paige Selking

Paige Selking is the former Youth-Centered Awareness and Education Director for NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) South Carolina. She is also a former board member in charge of Programs and a Family-to-Family and Provider Education instructor for NAMI Mid-Carolina. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (Summa Cum Laude).

Her focus shifted from social services to mental health in 2015 as a result of her husband and youngest child who live with combat related PTSD, depression and anxiety. Her husband also lives with OCD.

We All Have Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It

Mental health facts and statics, the signs that someone may need some additional help with their mental health, suicide awareness and prevention, and how to get help for yourself or a friend will be discussed.

Paige Selking will join us to offer insights on mental health … read more.