Speaker: Becky Thorndike

Becky grew up in a family of 6 girls, as the second oldest. They lived on an apple ranch with horses in north central Washington near Canada. As kids and later as adults the family rode horses all over including doing cattle drives in the designated wilderness where no motors were allowed. Becky played basketball on the Oroville High School girls team, played softball as a catcher or first baseperson and won the county blue ribbon for the longest softball throw her senior year. She also earned an award for best actress in the Senior Class play, believe it or not.
Moving on to her education: she has a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. After running the family ranch for several years, she returned to School, this time in Oregon, to earn her Masters in Counseling.
From Oregon, Becky moved to the California Bay area, worked in an adolescent Residential Center and then landed a coveted job with the Girl Scouts. Becky has been a Girl Scout as a volunteer and professional for about 61 years. Becky has held leadership positions in several clubs, as Secretary of the Oroville High School’s Student Board, various churches, as ranch boss, and many of job positions such as the Governance Director with the Girl Scouts of Northern California Council.
Becky is the author of a program called the H.E.R.O. program. It is a program that has helped many groups establish a foundation for continuance regardless who may be in the leadership role if they follow the HERO standards. HERO stands for Have an Efficient, Responsible, Organization.
She moved to North Carolina with Elizabeth, (her wife who passed away 4 years ago). Due to Elizabeth, they found the UUFF. They discovered that the belief system that this UU holds met with both their belief systems therefore found a spiritual home that both could be a part of. Elizabeth was very instrumental in getting Becky to run for the presidency, however, it is the people who kept Becky motivated to help UUFF move forward.