Archives: Services

My UU Christmas – a few selected readings and shared thoughts

A few of my favorite Christmas readings including Garrison Kellers retelling of the Christmas story and a few thoughts on why this ‘non-Christian’ has always loved and celebrated the season. We’ll also have a special prelude performance by Lara Jackson celebrating Yule.

Rethinking Rest for Our Body, Mind & Spirit

If you’ve ever woken up from a full night’s sleep exhausted, you’re not alone. As a culture, resting is not our strongest skill. Many people struggle to get good rest, and even more people believe that rest means sleep. The concept of “rest” can be … read more.

We All Have Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It

Mental health facts and statics, the signs that someone may need some additional help with their mental health, suicide awareness and prevention, and how to get help for yourself or a friend will be discussed.

Paige Selking will join us to offer insights on mental health … read more.

Transgender Awareness

Join us as we honor Transgender Awareness Week November 13 – 19. Cira will return to share her story and her music. UUFF has been a UUA-certified Welcoming Congregation since 2010.

An Old Man with a Pipe: Creativity for Adults

Going back to our very first game of peekaboo, nearly everyone is born creative, but the creative spark can be difficult to reclaim in adulthood. John Robert Mack hopes to help you reignite that spark by reminding you that it’s okay to play.

That’s the Spirit

A relatively new Asheville resident, Michael Lille, will speak about people coming together in difficult times, his history with kayaker, Maria Noakes, a woman who died doing what she loved best, and how the community of Western Carolina has come together to heal from the damage … read more.

This Sacred Thread: Remembrance Service

In the spirit of Norman Cousin’s quote: “Memory is where the proof of life is stored” we’ll gather for our annual remembrance service. Please bring along a picture, cherished memento, or other important memories of someone or something near and dear to you.