Granny’s Box Stories
We welcome back our own Lara Jackson as we celebrate grandmothers during Women’s History Month.
COVID Policy Update Under Welcome
We welcome back our own Lara Jackson as we celebrate grandmothers during Women’s History Month.
In this service, we’ll explore the concept of roles and permissions—both in the digital world and in our personal lives. Drawing inspiration from how websites manage user access, we’ll reflect on how we can apply a similar framework to our relationships, customizing roles and permissions … read more.
We welcome back Rev. Tom Tyre
Ashevillian, Chuck Brodsky, lived on a mountain the last time we saw him. Since Hurricane Helene tore through his town, he now lives precariously on the edge of a cliff with a badly damaged driveway and no front yard. Because his home was not damaged, … read more.
Join us as we celebrate Martin Luther King weekend with a look back at how UU’s have joined in the struggle for voting rights along with music from the civil rights era. This is a YouTube sermon.
Flowing with the moon for peace, health, joy, and fun in all areas of our lives! t’s a new year! Let’s try something ancient… Kallie will share a simple and powerful tool that has helped her to improve the quality of her life – living in … read more.
How do we choose which doors to open and be present for whatever is behind the door? Are we willing to witness whatever that is, whether it is a door to our own lives or a door to someone else’s life? Join us as we … read more.
A few of my favorite Christmas readings including Garrison Kellers retelling of the Christmas story and a few thoughts on why this ‘non-Christian’ has always loved and celebrated the season. We’ll also have a special prelude performance by Lara Jackson celebrating Yule.
If you’ve ever woken up from a full night’s sleep exhausted, you’re not alone. As a culture, resting is not our strongest skill. Many people struggle to get good rest, and even more people believe that rest means sleep. The concept of “rest” can be … read more.
If we were to make a list of what keeps a human healthy, it would include sleep, physical activity, wholesome food, clean water — and connection to others. We are wired for connection, but we’re also more isolated and lonely than ever. This cultural moment … read more.