Imagine a web – many strands reaching and connecting, running first one way and then another, separately gossamer, collectively strong.

Now picture the church as a congregation of connections with strands interlacing us through worship, activities, events, conversation, and listening.


There are a variety of opportunities to gather together. Check our calendar.
Some of our gatherings use our Zoom link. More details can be found in the Welcome menu.

  • Coffee Hour after service in Celebration Hall
  • Potluck Lunch after service on the 1st Sunday in Celebration Hall
  • Game Night, weekly Saturday on Zoom
  • Ladies Lunch, monthly on the 4th Tuesday on Zoom
  • The Listening Room, monthly during the season

Weekly Newsletter: The UU View

Our weekly e-mail update comes out on Wednesdays, featuring information about Fellowship and other events for the upcoming week. Click on the image to sign-up.

Caring Community

Together we are a web that supports and stretches, contains and cares for the members and friends that find a home here as well as the folks we encounter in the wider community.